As soon as we got there, Lindsey and I were very excited to sit down and catch up with my parents. It is amazing how when you take away wifi and cable TV, how children now look to you for their entertainment. I remember growing up and playing by myself for hours at a time and never bothering my parents. My kids were at Grandma's house for 30 seconds before they turned to me and said "OK, what now?" PLAY BY YOURSELF! Doing something not involving me! There are new toys here. Go play in the woods. Try to catch a squirrel. Eat some bark. Bail some hay. Cut down a tree and build a log house. I don't care, just go do something.
We finally got some time to catch up with my parents and then played a family game of Telestrations with the boys. We discovered that Grandpa is terrible at drawing and guessing drawings as evidenced by the picture below. He was trying to draw "puppies" but it turned into an alligator rat hybrid nursing their mutant offspring.
Zachary holding Grandpa's Alligator Rat drawing. |
We had a great time in Sidney and then went to the birthday party. The whole Allen clan was there. All 11 boys ages 14, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 6, and 3. It was pure craziness and you can probably understand. There were so many cause and effect moments: balloons then popping balloons; toys then broken toys; a slack line then a cousin pulling another off the slack line knocking the wind out of him; cake and ice cream then sugar rushes; birthday candles then balloons thrown on top of birthday candles causing them to pop; water balloons then soaked shirts without a change of clothes. Also the biggest thing at this party was Clash of Clans. Some of the cousins play an iPad game as well as some of the uncles. I showed my nephews my Clash of Clans base and from then on, they could not stop touching me and hanging on me to see my phone. They kept asking question after question and kept getting closer and closer, until at one point I had 4-5 of them crawling on my back, both arms and practically over my head. But this was toward the end of the evening where they had just spent 3 hours wrestling and running around in the mid-summer heat. I finally dug myself out of the mess of bodies and found sweet freedom and fresh air stating to the family, "I feel like I was just covered in 5 sweaty blankets soaked in B.O."
All 11 cousins! If only you could smell them! |
The Joyful and Tired Dad